General Dentistry
We believe in regular examination and hygiene for long term maintainence of dental health and for early detection of problems.
We provide a comprehensive examination with thorough evaluation taking aid of intraoral photography and digital radiography.
Restorative Dentistry
Restoration of the tooth following removal of tooth decay. Treatment of cracked teeth and fractured fillings.
A range of treatment options including direct restorations like fillings and indirect restorations like crowns will be discussed in order to manage the condition suitably.
Root canal treatment is performed when indicated.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Whitening treatment, Veneers and polishing teeth are a part of esthetic dentistry. Dental caries, periodontal disease or misisng teeth can present as esthetic issues as well.
A complete assessment of the dentition will be required prior to performing any of these services.
Replacing Missing Teeth
Removal of offending teeth or teeth with hopeless prognosis is often required. However, it is important that the need for replacing the same is evaluated. Missing teeth can have functional as well as cosmetic implications.
Partial and complete dentures, Bridges and Dental implants are options that will be discussed in detail and the alternative best suited to the patient will be chosen.